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CUNA Coronavirus Resources Include Compliance Solutions
As credit unions around the country grapple with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), CUNA and the American Association of Credit Union Leagues have launched a COVID-19 Response Center with a wide variety of resources. Among those available to CUNA members are CUNA’s Compliance Community and Credit Union Compliance Management System.

The CUNA Compliance Community is designed to provide an online hub for compliance professionals to connect, work together and share information.

The Compliance Community has a separate tab containing all COVID-19 related discussion threads, including all CompBlog­ entries on the topic and discussion threads from credit unions on the front lines. New discussion threads and posts are added daily as credit unions continue to seek best practices to serve members during the pandemic.

The Credit Union Compliance Management System is a web-based platform for handling federal and state compliance issues, that includes a dashboard to keep information accessible and includes state and federal alerts.

It also allows credit unions to conduct a compliance risk assessment.

Copyright 2020. CUNA Daily News.

To access the COVID-19 Response Center with a wide variety of resources, use this (link)
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